Osteopathic treatments during pregnancy.


Osteopathy can be of great help and support during pregnancy, assisting the changes happening in your body in a gentle and safe manner, and also providing you with relief and relaxation.

 Osteopathic treatments in pregnancy aims to improve the function of the postural changes happening during this amazing process, manage the increasing flexibility of the joints due to hormones, improve the blood flow and lymphatic drainage, reduce pain and just manage and keep you mobile.

Osteopathic treatments will help you to enjoy your pregnancy and remain as comfortable as you can, as well as, preparing your body for labour, by improving the function of your pelvic girdle and give you support to assist any predisposed conditions as they may become exacerbated during this time of great change.

 Most common complaints osteopathic treatment can help with:

• Low back pain, sciatic pain
• Groin pain
• Pelvic pain and instability
• Hip pain
• Upper back, neck and shoulder pain
• Indigestion, rib cage pain
• Headaches
• Carpal tunnel syndrome

In addition, to help you enjoy this beautiful time of growth, the treatment will also be beneficial for your baby, by allowing more space for his/her development by not being inhibited by any physical structural problems, ensuring optimal fetal positioning and

favouring a positive birth outcome. In a nutshell, by increasing your physical comfort during pregnancy, it will allow you to feel more at peace, relax and emotionally stronger in this beautiful adventure that pregnancy can be.

Your osteopath will support and help you with questions you have regarding pregnancy, pelvic floor exercises, labour, recovery to the best of their knowledge and understanding.